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Your health is one of the most important investments you'll make.

While I love a good mystery, your upcoming healthcare bills should never be one of them, which is why I offer simple, transparent fees so you know exactly what your commitment is each month.

Naturopathic Detective Services

Holistic Health Detective

$2000 monthly retainer, with a minimum 3 month commitment.


Limited clients accepted to ensure your case is given the attention it deserves.


As an exclusive client, you’ll receive dedicated, personalised care and ongoing support, including:


  • An initial deep dive into your symptoms, health history and body systems to gather a holistic record of your health story.

  • Thoughtful analysis and research of your unique case as I work to piece together all the details and uncover the root causes.

  • Regular reports detailing my findings and analysis of your case, with an actionable plan.

  • Weekly check-in video calls, and additional conversations as needed, like debriefs after medical appointments or hospital visits.

  • Consistent access to email support during business hours, so you’re never navigating this journey alone.

  • Ordering and interpretation of advanced functional testing to make sure we're looking at all the clues. ($400 of your investment is allocated to testing monthly.)

  • Comprehensive reviews of existing test results and medications.

  • Communications with your other health professionals if needed, to ensure your naturopathic plan is working synergistically with your other chosen modalities.

  • A monthly tailored liquid herbal tonic, carefully crafted to support your wellness and posted to your door. (Valued at $120. Appropriate remedies will be included if herbs are not right for your case.)

  • Ongoing nutrition and lifestyle guidance to help you feel your best every day.


This comprehensive approach means you can feel confident that you'll feel fully supported along your journey. You'll be receiving tangible answers in the form of test results, natural medicines to move your health in the right direction, and you can feel comfortable to contact me with any new questions or ideas. It also allows me to fully explore every aspect of your case as it evolves over time.

Health Maintenance Plan

$1000 monthly retainer.


Available only to clients who have been on the Holistic Health Detective plan for at least 3 months.


Once your intensity of your case has stabilised with regards to the severity of your symptoms and the rate of new developments, we can mutually agree to transition you on to a maintenance plan. This still includes your monthly herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle guidance, weekly check ins and access for ongoing communication. Tests are not included in the maintenance plan, and less research and case analysis is needed during this phase of your health journey. 


If there is a dramatic new development in your case requiring a return to high level investigations, we may mutually agree to go back to the Detective structure to provide the level of support needed.

What's Not Included
  • Nutritional Supplements

  • Flower Essences

  • Additional Testing above the $400 monthly allocation

(These can be added on to your plan if required.)



Ready to get started?

Fill out the contact form below to begin the conversation. Let me know the brief overview of what's going on in your health. (Don't worry, if we move forward, I'll gather all the details.) I'll then be in touch to let you know if I'm able to commit to your case at this time, and if so to set up a time to chat so I can learn more about your case and answer any questions you still may have about Health Detective Services.

Let's Get Started

Let's begin.

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